6. Showing descriptions of Origami
To show a description of how to fold your Origami project, open Help and
click on Description of Origami or press F2. The description will be taken
from the place in the computer described in the Parameters window.
Tips for folding origami projects:
- Always read through all of the instructions first, and pay attention to the pictures. If
you can't understand one step, look at the next picture to see if it helps.
- If you crease your folds with your thumbnail, your project will come out looking nicer.
- Try folding practice projects before you make your final project. That way if you mess
up you won't have to throw away your whole project.
- A dashed line means that you fold on that line.
- Follow the arrows. If the arrow almost makes a U, it means make your fold to the back of
the paper. If it has a loop in it, it means turn the project over.